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Hiperia3D News
Hiperia3D News is source of news about virtual worlds and 3D: software, hardware, resources for scenery creation, 3D models for render applications (such as Poser or DAZ Studio), render art, 3D art, worldbuilding techniques, 3D printing, 3D modeling, interviews with experts, immersive virtual worlds, and 3D web languages like X3D. For all those who feel the spirit of 3D.
3D Hobby Magazine
Magazine for hobbyists of 3D modeling that will give them the opportunity to learn from prestigious and expert 3D modelers and 3D software developers, and other outstanding personalities of this industry.
Fantasy Escape – Exotic & Beautiful Fantasy Art
Fantasy Art at Epilogue.net
L'Art dans toutes ses couleurs
Blog with the best artists of sci-fi and fantasy
Fantasy Art at Epilogue.net
L'Art dans toutes ses couleurs
Blog with the best artists of sci-fi and fantasy